Sunday, June 14, 2020

I want to say something..

Just want to put it out here that people who are in “depression” are truly clueless about what is happening with them. 
Just for a moment, think, a person so driven to an extreme, that they contemplate their own life Vs. predicaments, pull up the idea to end their life, and act through it, would be sane enough to reach for help?! Do you really believe someone would even think they want to talk it out to someone ?!

A while ago I posted the a status, askin people to talk to me, or call a suicide helpline.. but, something changed. And I realised, this isn’t someone whom you can spot in a group, figure out in a conversation with, they are absolutely there smiling with you, looking at everyone through words, And yet, living their life and dragging themselves through the weights, burdens and a complex mental process going on inside their head, which they find all the more entrapping and cornering them. They know, the consequences, yet choose to end their life. The utterly painful, heartbreaking courage  it takes to lift that knife .. or tie that knot in a rope.. or finding a bottle of water to swallow something.. those moments are not impulsive. They are calculated. Meticulously.

And I don’t think those predicaments are something they can talk or converse about. Mostly because they see life from a different perspective, and well, I don’t think another’s opinion goes through either. 

This is why it shocks us. Breaks us. Being in their company, knowing them person and proxy,
Because we are all used to relating to and Knowing a persons’ cheerful company or their applauding achievement, their sense of humour, goodness, the glass of beer they raise, every thing about a person that is positive, but, Would u notice a person, without? 

There is so much in a lifetime to experience, 
but also, is a choice to end it ... 

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